EconLit with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowProvides indexing and abstracts for journals, books, and dissertations in the areas of economic theory and application.
Holdings: 1969-present
Business Source CompleteThis link opens in a new windowBusiness research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles.
Economics Databases
Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowA multidisciplinary database providing full text access to scholarly and general interest journals, books, and reports.
Holdings: 1887-present
Business Source CompleteThis link opens in a new windowBusiness research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles.
EconLit with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowProvides indexing and abstracts for journals, books, and dissertations in the areas of economic theory and application.
Holdings: 1969-present
FactivaThis link opens in a new windowBusiness, industry, and market data; newspaper and journal articles; and quick links to essential business web sites.
Holdings: Varies; from the 1980s - present
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowA scholarly journal archive. Economics, history, math, philosophy, political science, language and literature, sociology, botany, and ecology.
Holdings: Varies; from the 1800s - late 2000s
Market Atlas (formerly Mergent)This link opens in a new windowCompany data, industry reports, financial information and much more. Check out special modules such Mergent Analytics to help you with your business research. Mergent Analytics allows the user to chart and graph numerous equity analytics, such as Activity Ratios, Business Segment Data, Leverage & Coverage, Price & Return, Profitability and Revenue & EPS.