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Martha S. Grafton Library

Student Workers: Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Fire / Smoke

In the event of fire or smoke, pull a fire alarm and exit the building. Do not use the elevator! On exiting, help direct patrons to the nearest exit. If exiting the back door, proceed to the parking lot near Carpenter/Admin building. If exiting the front door, proceed to the sidewalk in front of Carpenter. Once in a safe location:

  1. Call 911 to report the fire/smoke to the local authorities.

  2. Call the MBU Security switchboard at 540-887-7000 (just 7000 if calling from a MBU phone) to report the fire/smoke to campus authorities.

  3. Ensure no one enters the building via the front doors or the loading dock doors until security notifies you that it is safe to reenter the building.

Accident / Injury / Medical Emergency

In the case of a serious accident or medical emergency, call 911  and then MBU Security at 540-887-7000 (just 7000 if calling from a MBU phone) to request an ambulance immediately. Send a coworker to the loading dock door to open it for the emergency team and help direct them to the person in need. Do not move the person in need.

In the case of a minor accident, call MBU Security to come & assess the situation. Again, do not move the person in need.

Lockdown (Baldwin Alert Message)

If the building or campus is on lockdown, secure the locks (deadbolt and top and bottom latches) on the front door and make sure the loading dock door is locked. If staff is not available, notify the Team Leader. Staff should make sure no one enters or exits the building at the loading dock or front door so that the doors are not unlocked for any reason. Remain in a safe location within the library –the Director’s Office-- until security notifies you that it is safe to open the building. 

Campus Security dial    7000  or    540-887-7000 from your personal phone

Campus security guards are available to handle any incidents that involve the security and well-being of the Library staff and patrons. Monitor and access, but do not approach, persons who are intentionally disturbing others, or creating unpleasant situations. Notify a staff member or team leader, and then call Security immediately. Identify the location of the problem and, if safe, monitor persons involved until Security arrives.

First Aid Kit

The Library stocks a small first aid kit for minor cuts or accidents near the sink in the main workroom. Please notify the staff if something needs to be restocked.


If WMS issues or other computer problems occur, please notify the staff. If staff is not available, please notify the Team Leader.



If the elevator stops working, notify staff or the Team Leader who will then contact Physical Plant (7209) or Campus Security (7000). Put an “Out of Order” sign on each floor. For emergencies, the phone in the elevator is a direct line to campus security.

A note about contacting the Access Services Coordinator or Library Director:

  • In the case of a major emergency, please contact the Access Services Coordinator or Library Director after following the instructions above. 

  • In the case of a minor emergency, please ensure a note or email is sent to the Library staff so that they are aware the incident occurred.