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Mary Baldwin University Copyright Policy: Reserves & Classroom

Policy statements and guidelines for anyone affiliated with the University who wishes to copy, alter, or perform works that are protected by copyright.


What Guidelines Apply to Coursepacks?

Every article or chapter in a coursepack/reader, if derived from copyrighted material, requires permission, either from the copyright owner (usually the publisher) or through a royalty fee paid to the Copyright Clearance Center. Permission must always be obtained prior to producing, selling, or distributing such material to students. You may normally include the following items in a coursepack:

  • A single chapter from each book used
  • An essay, poem, or story from a collected work
  • Single articles, essays, poems, or stories from a journal issue or newspaper
  • Single cartoons, charts, diagrams, drawings, graphs, or pictures from a book, newspaper, or journal issue

Each item in the packet also must include a notice of copyright -- e.g., "Copyright 2013 by Academic Press". Students who purchase course packets should not be charged in excess of cost of reproduction

Course Reserves

What Guidelines apply to placing materials on Reserve in the library? 

The Library Reserve service should be used to supplement required course materials; faculty should refrain from using reserve readings as the only assigned materials for a course.  Readings cannot remain on Reserve for more than one semester without copyright permission.  Electronic Reserve materials must be placed in secure site, limiting distribution to students enrolled in a course.  There must also be technological limitations on access to the materials - i.e. students must first login.   Short-term access to materials included on electronic reserve systems in previous academic terms may be provided to students who have not completed the course.  Material may be retained in electronic form while permission is being sought or until the next academic term in which the material might be used.  Articles that are used for a class year after year become part of course work and require permission each term/semester.  All copies on Reserve must be marked: NOTICE: This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)

Books You may place an entire (print format) book on reserve. Complete works, which are in print, will not be added to electronic course reserves.  Complete works, which are out-of-print, may be added to electronic course reserves with appropriate copyright clearance. Copyright does not end when a book is out of print. A photocopy or one electronic copy of a complete chapter, poem, story or essay from a collected work, if it does not constitute a substantial portion of the total work, may be placed on reserve.  
CDs  You may place the original item, but no copies, on Reserve.
Journal & NewspaperArticles


You may place a photocopy of one article, poem, story or essay from a single issue per journal title on Reserve.  Single photocopies or one electronic copy of an article may be placed on Reserve.  These photocopies are considered to be the instructor's property.  A faculty member may provide duplicate photocopies (one photocopy per 10 students) when a course is large enough to require more than one of an assigned photocopy.  If the original journal is not owned by the Library or the instructor, the instructor must provide written permission or indication of royalty payment for photocopies in excess of one. 
Music You may place a single copy of an entire performable unit (section, movement, aria, etc.) if the unit is out of print or available only in a larger work. 
Videotapes and Off-air recordings You may place the original item, but no copies, on Reserve. You may place off-air recordings on Reserve if  1) you have permission from the copyright holder or 2) the program, when broadcast, could be picked up by a non-cable television set at the time of recording. Programs from cable sources, such as HBO, A&E, etc., are not considered "off-air" and must be licensed.  The period of Reserve may not exceed 10 "school days" past the recording date. 
Software Check with OIT to verify license rights before requesting to place software on Reserve.